Friday, February 15, 2008


Went to talk to the international adoption clinic at Children's Hospital today. They gave me great advice for travel and are willing to help with any health questions we have here, in Kazakhstan and if we bring a kido back. While we are in Kaz we can get them information and they can get back to us within hours. They suggested some antibiotics to bring for us and the kido. We are also working with homeland security to renew our fingerprints. We can't call or go so we have an appt on Tuesday.

When researching Kazak culture I learned the Kazak people are of Turkish, Uzbek, Chinese, Mongolian and Russian decent. Makes researching ethnicities a little difficult. On the upside I learned something cool. According to "Amazon Warrior Women," a PBS "Secrets of the Dead" episode, there is evidence that some of the Kazakh population are descendants of the culture which spawned the Amazon Warrior myth within Ancient Greek literature (wikipedia).

Seems perfect for my daughter.


Kristan and Mark said...

hi, I'm wondering where you live. We used the IA clinic at Children's hospital in B'ham Alabama. If that is the same clinic we loved the. Used them to consult prior to travel, in country and since being home.

Kristan (kaz mommie)

Kelly and Sne said...

I love the amazon link... it really is a fascinating culture and history. I hope you don't mind me following along. We are waiting for an LOI to Semey. Email me if you want an invite to our blog: