Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Paperchase: Not a very exciting post.

We are pushing the paperwork update as fast as we can, the stopper right now is the fingerprinting update at USCIS. We are scheduled to get re-fingerprinted on 3/4, but hoping we can do it tomorrow, 2/27. The question really is how can we get them to expedite the processing after we get re-fingerprinted. Adoption Ark (our agency) has been very helpful, and gave us a letter that we passed on expressing how we could travel at any time. Hopefully we can lever this to get processing expedited.

Doc appointments next week to once again confirm that we are in good health. Also need to make sure our "in country" folders are in order.

We have found so many other people who are either traveling to or have traveled to Aqtobe, and all have such great positive stories to tell - this has been a great comfort to us.

Our extended families are supportive and nervous at the same time. As much as this whole process is an unknown to us, it is much more so to them. We have faith that ultimately everything will unfold as it is meant to in this process, and all the work will be a very small price to pay for the end result.



mom and dad byrne said...

God love you as you proceed on this precious journey. Our prayers and love are with you all.

mom and dad B

Unknown said...

We are still chasing papers... 6 months after placement. And are told this continues until the age of 18. I am trying to think of it as a surefire way to fill up a scrapbook!

We are very excited for you!
